Overlooking the USS Blue Ridge in the Republic of Korea.
From 2005 to 2012 Robert was proud to have served as a United States Naval Aerographers Mate. He fine-tuned his skills in meteorology not only through Naval Schooling but also on the job in high-stress environments ranging from a tornado hitting the airfield he was taking observations at to forecasting the spread of radiation following the Fukushima Daichi accident in Japan.
Roberts performance while serving in the US Military led to early promotions and being awarded several "Naval Achievement Medals" for his role in providing micro-forecast for divers recovering the sunken PCC-772 that was struck by a North Korean Torpedo in 2011 along with operation support following the Great North East Japan Tsunami and Earthquake.
In 2012 Robert was recommended for a job at Camp David forecasting the weather for Marine One in direct support of the President of the United States. Instead, he decided to make the jump from Operational to Broadcast Meteorology where he could share his love of weather with the world.
Currently, Robert has returned to his career path with the US Navy as a contractor for Atmospheric Systems Technology in Jacksonville Florida at Naval Station Mayport and Naval Air Station Jacksonville Florida.